প্রশ্নঃ ‘He contemplated marrying his cousin.’ Here ‘marrying’ is a/an-
[ বিসিএস ৪৩তম ]
Related MCQ
উত্তরঃ Widespread
উত্তরঃ কোনটি সঠিক নয়।
উত্তরঃ He climbed the tree like a cat
উত্তরঃ preposition
৫. Writing a diary is a very good practice to develop the writing skill.
The underlined part is a/an-
[ বিসিএস ৪৬তম ]
উত্তরঃ noun phrase
উত্তরঃ Injured
উত্তরঃ on the whole
৮. Choose the best alternative for the underlined. He went back on his promise of voting for me.
[ বিসিএস ৪৬তম ]
উত্তরঃ withdrew
উত্তরঃ reveal a secret carelessly
উত্তরঃ an adjective phrase
১১. His dream that he will be a B.C.S cadre finally came true. The underlined part is –
[ বিসিএস ৪৬তম ]
উত্তরঃ a noun clause
উত্তরঃ I saw an old man walking past me
১৩. Which is the correct complex form of the sentence?
‘A corrupt man cannot win the respect of others.’
[ বিসিএস ৪৬তম ]
উত্তরঃ A man who is corrupt cannot win the respect of others.
১৪. Find out the correct positive form of the sentence : ‘Who else is the better player than Zaman in the team’?
[ বিসিএস ৪৬তম ]
উত্তরঃ Is there any other player in this team who is as good as Zaman?
১৫. Fill in the blank with the correct word:
The submarine dipped to avoid ______ by the enemy plane.
[ বিসিএস ৪৬তম ]
উত্তরঃ being seen
উত্তরঃ being arrested
উত্তরঃ might be
উত্তরঃ have known
উত্তরঃ down
উত্তরঃ across
উত্তরঃ He has told me that he will go but I will stay here in Dhaka.
উত্তরঃ The room was darkened by switching off all the lights.
উত্তরঃ Had you been there on time, you could have had the information.
উত্তরঃ There are trees on both the sides of the road.
উত্তরঃ quit
উত্তরঃ the act of using someones else’s idea as one’s own.
উত্তরঃ his
উত্তরঃ to
উত্তরঃ By whom has this Jug been broken?
উত্তরঃ She speaks English like the English
উত্তরঃ back
উত্তরঃ To tolerate
উত্তরঃ height
উত্তরঃ had
৩৫. What may be considered courteous in one culture may be arrogant in another. Here the underlined word, “arrogant” means—
[ বিসিএস ৪৫তম ]
উত্তরঃ rude
উত্তরঃ Shut up!
উত্তরঃ plague pandemic
উত্তরঃ at
উত্তরঃ between
উত্তরঃ deny
উত্তরঃ lay
উত্তরঃ The flute was played on by her.
উত্তরঃ Hello
উত্তরঃ Complex sentence
উত্তরঃ Choir
৪৬. Put the right word in the blank.
"He reached the ________ of his literary career."
[ বিসিএস ৪৫তম ]
উত্তরঃ acme
উত্তরঃ to
উত্তরঃ He discussed the matter.
উত্তরঃ Pneumonia
উত্তরঃ weather forecasting